Services to my Community


I joined TAMU SHPE in 2020 and am an active member of the Technical Affairs community. In addition to going to weekly meetings, and helping to maintain SHPE services such as the website and point sheets, we fundraise and volunteer at local high schools.

merkle tree visualization

Big Event

The Big Event is a day where the majority of TAMU students go out in the community and perform various service projects. This event is one I hope to participate in the future.

stock chart picture


During high school, I used to tutor junior high kids on various subjects including math and social studies. I mainly helped them do practice problems and go over topics they discussed in class that day. I also hope to continue tutoring at SHPE events in the future.

a picture of naruto tied to a pole

Due to Covid-19, many of the service opportunities I wanted to participate in have been canceled. Hopefully in the near future I can become more active in the community through SHPE and other school organizations.